Just Misplaced

I've been searching all day trying to find my first and brand new tablet. I had to wonder did I set it up right to be tracked and found? Who was I near last? Where had I been? Who did I entrust? 

As an only child, the finger usually pointed back at me so I didn't panic, at first. It's somewhere... maybe in the car? No, not there. In between the chair cushions? No, not there. Under the sectional? In a drawer? Fallen into one of my numerous unpacked yet opened boxes??? (That's another story...) Nope, not there either. I really need to clean up! Atch atch! Watch your thoughts! Don't beat yourself up. Oh, Holy Spirit help me...

I finally found the Find My Device feature on the Samsung site.... now my heart is racing. Now, my hope is fading. Now I feel like a naive fool. See? You don't even know how to carry around one of those things! Just sat it down anywhere. Quiet! I said to my inner critic. I searched my Google maps timeline. Where had I been 8 days ago? I called the restaurant feeling stupid. No, no tablet in the lost & found...

No location coming up on the tablet. It won't ring because it’s offline. Heart racing but knowing I need to sit down with one of these boxes, open it and read the prophecies scribbled on the pages. Pray into them. Maybe that's why this happened so I could clean up and read what He said years ago. 

Behind the sectional was a box with books, journals, and a hard drive. I heard, "You can unpack this box in 5 minutes. Just put everything on the bookshelf." As I grabbed the box, something with pink & blue shades peered out from between the back of the sectional. I heard, "See. It wasn't lost. Just misplaced." I burst out into tears! "Everything in your life wasn't lost. Just misplaced. Your family. Your son.... he was just misplaced. You'll find him. He'll find you. He's just misplaced. Your loved ones are in another place but they're not lost. Your marriage. It's not lost. It'll find you." Tears and sobs. How could something so simple be so profound? But if you've buried over 5 relatives in the last decade or experienced any kind of loss of support, you know. You seem to try to hold onto EVERYTHING in your life with white knuckles, knowing it's all like sand. Just to have the comfort of an illusion of control. My God I need help! It's so overwhelming right now! 

But just that perspective shift changed everything and brought such comfort and relief. I felt my grip on life, as I know it, release. I was literally holding on for dear life! And now these boxes can go, too! 

To learn more about the boxes, pre-order my book, "Into the Soul of a Woman", and read the poem, "A Full So Empty."


Overcoming Low Self-Esteem

